Foto de un chico con gafas y un lapicero

Bienvenido al Centro eduqa de Desarrollo Infanto-juvenil y Terapias

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Educational psychology

Together with the family and the school, we develop the best action plan for the comprehensive academic development of children and young people. Assessments and psychometric tests (WISC-V, PROLEC...) related to learning, attention, reading-writing difficulties (dyslexias, dysgraphia...), etc.

Clinical psychology

For the diagnosis and treatment of emotional and relational difficulties that affect the mental health of children and young people in the different areas of their lives: personal, family, social, etc.

Speech therapy

Evaluation and treatment of any alteration related to communication and language: Dyslalias, dysphasias, dysphonias, rhinolalias, dyslexias, etc.

Other therapies

Nuestro centro multidisciplinar ofrece un abanico amplio de terapias y valoraciones: atención temprana, terapia ocupacional, del sueño, etc. Consúltanos.